There's a space now between me and everyone else
The space is very okay, it appears very natural, whatever that
Really means, it's a little different with my family tho, it's the same
Type of space with my family, it just feels a little weirder with them
Because I still care about them but I can't reach them anymore
It feels whatever I say or do, it'll never reach them now, its obvious
It never really reached them before but now it's all over really
It's like I've already said goodbye to my family, to everyone, to my life
To my past, to the world, to every nostalgia moment
It's a thin line between life and death now, for this character
Everything is nothing, empty, as no meaning, as no agenda, as no purpose
Nothing as any importance or significant, there's nothing anyone can take credit for
There's nothing that celebrate, there's no one to do it
Every movie is a blur of moving images on a screen, music is heard by no one
Money is an investment for the future but there's no future
Life is a title we don't know what it really means
I never really got to say goodbye to my family
Everything just vanished
I don't really care about anyone else, friends, colleagues, ect ect
I don't miss them anyway
The body will carry on for now, drinking more coffee, sitting in bed for hours
And going for steady walks, there's still apparent people, they do appear sometimes
It's probably best if I don't mention them, there's no need to mention them
Good riddance that Marc is gone
He was never here anyway but good riddance to him anyway
