When there's no one here
There's nothing you can know
There are no glimpses or awakenings
There's no one, who has free will or choice
There's no safety or security
There's no beginning or end
There's no flat world or round world
There's no world at all
God is no more real, then mickey mouse
Religion has no more say in any apparent truth, then a dog does,
when it barks
Predestination and destiny, are just more juggling balls, for the
Apparent character to play with
World saviour and World hunger appear as opposites in the play
But are really just equal, there's no actually difference between them,
they are both arising as this, with no agenda, no purpose
Or meaning
Nevertheless, simultaneously, world saviour and world hunger are
Not appearing at all, it never really began, it never even started,
nothing has ever really began because....
Nothing is really happening