Spirituality can perhaps, rebuild, strengthen, make the illusory self
More confident, calm and at peace with itself (apparently)
But spirituality, like any religious or cult sector, is just
Another form, department, within society's territory, conditions
It's not outside of society, it's not completely mainstream within society but
Has developed it's own unique format, that still has plenty of furniture of society within it
Spirituality has a major influence in some parts of the world, especially the east, where they
Treat their teachers (guru's) with an enormous amount of devotion and love
There's nothing right or wrong with this, if anything, it's very very silly
But it's a part of the play, so who really cares
Spiritual teachers, design their own model of how one should live their life
Be patient, be forgiving, be humble, don't eat meat, don't drink too much alcohol
Don't masturbate, pray, go out of your way to help others, the list goes on and on and then
You have practices, spiritual techniques and all for what reason?
To become a better you in Terms of, reflection to society!
None of those things, spiritual teachings or preachings, have anything to do with
What they are suggesting to you
You are not going to know your true nature, no matter how much spiritual makeup
You place on yourself
You? Will never know your true nature, you will never know anything, it's not possible
There's so much effort and attention to keep reviving that spiritual ghost
It never really stops, there's always another way to be and even when you feel like
Something gracious has happened, it suddenly goes away and now you have to repeat
The process again, find a new process, adopt a new teacher, buy another spiritual book
Well how very humble of you
Spiritual teachers (guru's) are lost in their own vomiting rituals, they've either been misled Themselves and believe what's apparently happened to them is special and now they're on
A delusional course to change the world or they've been showered with spiritual voodoo Nonsense for them to repeat over and over like a parrot, to other spiritual fictional characters
It's one big delusional burden, poor misguided fools, the lot of them (apparently)
