It feels quite strange to say that my life is already over
It's not possible to make any type of imprint in this dream
And what else, we'll now all the flavor of the dream as diluted
So much, everything feels pretty meaningless
It's not bad though, it doesn't feel bad there's no real enjoyment or
Flavor in anything anymore
There's not much energy here to move much, be productive, express
And all of that feels fine, it's fine if it doesn't go this character's way
They are preferences but they are quite light, not serious
What is apparently happening appears much thinner, like there's
Nothing to hold on to, nothing to keep, nothing to make sense of
When the sense of self is there, it's not really there but anyway
It appears like the dream is interesting, something is important
Something as a meaning and when the sense of self apparently
Falls away, the dream is seen to be worthlessness
It's not a bad worthlessness, it's just whatever is happening or not
Happening, there's no one to claim it or to understand it
There's no A B C D E F G
I mean there's not a rhythm or order to anything
You can't make sense of anything and there's not even an
Interest, no attempts of trying to understand with what's arising
How can everything be so empty
It already was tho
And it's completely fine
If I was asked, do you wanna stay here longer or just to completely
Disappear right now
The response here would be quite neutral, they wouldn't be much effort
In picking either side
I'd probably shrugg my shoulders and reply with I don't really mind
It's pretty much the same anyway
You wouldn't even notice the disappearance of the body
The vanishing of the self
